
Henry Hoddinott2. Telari E, Tinti A, Settem M, Rees M, Hoddinott H, Dearg M, von Issendorff B, Held G, Slater TJ, Palmer RE, Maragliano L, Ferrando R, Giacomello AInherent structural descriptors via machine learningNature Chemistry. 2024
Bolton, R.Rebecca Bolton, Thomas Dunlop, James Sullivan, Justin Searle, Helge Heinrich, Ruud Westerwaal, Christiaan Boelsma, and Geraint WilliamStudying the Influence of Mg Content on the Microstructure and Associated Localized Corrosion Behavior of Zn-Mg PVD Coatings Using SVET-TLI.Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (11) C3305-C3315 2019
Charles, R.G.R.G. Charles, M.L. Davies, P. Douglas, I.L. Hallin, I. Mabbett,Sustainable energy storage for solar home systems in rural Sub-Saharan Africa – a comparative examination of lifecycle aspects of battery technologies for circular economy, with emphasis on the South African context;Energy, 2018 (in press, article available online 13 Oct 2018).) 
Brennan, D.Des Brennan; Ian Mabbett; Jon Elvins, Nicholas Lavery; David Worsley;Mathematical framework for predicting the thermal behaviour of spectrally selective coatings within industrial near infrared furnaces23rd UK Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering (ACME 2015); 8-10 Apr 2015, Swansea, UK. 
Sutton, R.JR.J. Sutton, E. Jewell, J. Elvins, J.R. SearleCharacterising the discharge cycle of a thermochemical storage system involving the hydration of chemical salts  
Charles, R.G.Rhys G. Charles, Matthew L. Davies, Peter DouglasThird generation photovoltaics — Early intervention for circular economy and a sustainable future
Gowenlock, C.Cathren Gowenlock; James McGettrick; Paul McNaughter; Paul O’Brien; Charles Dunnill; Andrew Barron.Copper-complexed isonicotinic acid functionalized aluminum oxide nanoparticlesMain Group Chemistry, Volume 15, Issue 1, 30 November 2015, Pages 1-15.
Wint, N.N. Wint; S. Geary; H. N. McMurray; G. Williams; A. C. A. de Vooys.The kinetics and mechanism of atmospheric corrosion occurring on tin and iron-tin intermetallic coated steels I. cathodic delamination.Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 162, Issue 14, 2015, Pages C775-C784.
Glover, C.F.Carol Frances Glover; Alistair Barnes; Ian Mabbett; Raman Subramanian; Geraint Williams.The Scanning Vibrating Electrode Technique for the Study of Hydrogen Evolution from an Iron Electrode.ECS Trans. 2015 volume 64, issue 19, 73-81.
Cooze, N.Cooze, N., Sullivan, J., Lewis, T., Gallagher, C., Thierry, D., Prosek, T;A novel time-lapse microscopy technique to study the corrosion mechanisms and effects of phosphate inhibitor during the corrosion of a zinc-magnesium-aluminium alloy coating.  
 Ian Mabbett; Jordan Marinaccio; Carol Glover; Alistair Barnes; Raman Subramanian; Geraint Williams; David Worsley.Rapid Processing and Scanning Electrochemical Techniques Applied to Sintered Nickel Electrodes of Varying Thickness and Rate Capability.ECS Trans. 2015 volume 64, issue 18, 1-12
Glover, C.F.Carol Frances Glover; Trystan Watson; Daniel Bryant; Geraint Williams.A scanning Kelvin probe investigation of the interaction of PEDOT: PSS films with metal surfaces and potential corrosion protection propertiesECS Transactions, Volume 64, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 11-22
Wint, N.N. Wint; H. N. McMurray; G. Williams; A. C. A. de Vooys.The kinetics and mechanism of atmospheric corrosion occurring on tin and iron-tin intermetallic coated steels II. Filiform corrosionJournal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 163, Issue 2, 2016, Pages C1-C6.
Sutton, R.J.R.J. Sutton, E. Jewell, J. Elvins, S. Casey, J.R. SearleThe optimisation of sat impregnated matrices as potential thermochemical storage materials  
Popov, I.Popov, .I andTodeschini G.Flame Intensity Analysis for Hot Molten Metal Pouring in the Steel Industry by Applying Image SegmentationIntelligent Methods and Systems in Production Engineering 
Flynn, J4. Giannetti, C.; Flynn, J.; Van Dijk, HA Novel LSTM Pipeline to Detect Anomalies in Manufacturing Production.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022, [Awaiting AE Recommendation] 
Jamie WiliamsWilliams, Jamie; Griffiths, Christian; Dunlop, Tom; Jewell, EifionImproving the Processability of a One-Step Hydrophobic Coating for Hot-Dipped Galvanised Steel for Industrial ApplicationsCoatings 2022, 12(7), 895

Lester-Card, Edward, Application of Moringa Oleif xzera Seed Cake as a natural coagulant for the Removal of Oil from Model Oil-Water Emulsions. Lester-Card1, G Smith2, J. Widdowson1, C. Tizaoui1 , 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration EMCEI June 10-13th 2021 Tunisia. EMCEI – Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integraion – Springer

Stewart, Daniel J.C, The production of high value pig iron nuggets from steelmaking by-products – A thermodynamic evaluation, July 2021

Taylor, T. KimaJ.Zhanga, K. Penney, D. and Yanagimotoa, J TRIP assisted press hardened steel by the anisothermal bainitic ferrite transformation. Journal of Materials Processing Technology Volume 289, March 2021, 116950

Potts, S.-J., Phillips, C., Claypole, T., Jewell, E. The effect of carbon ink rheology on ink separation mechanisms in screen-printing. 2020 Coatings, 10(10), art. no. 1008, pp. 1-17.

Wint, N., Malla, A.D., Cooze, N., Savill, T., Mehraban, S., Dunlop, T., Sullivan, J.H., Penney, D., Williams, G and McMurray, N.H. The ability of Mg2Ge crystals to behave as ‘smart release’ inhibitors of the aqueous corrosion of Zn-Al-Mg alloys. Corrosion Science, November 2020

Allman, A., Whiteside, J., Jewell, E., Griffiths, C., McMurray, N., de Vooys, A. Surface modification of Cr(III) packaging substrates for enhanced adhesion via citric acid processing. Surfaces and Interfaces. Volume 20, September 2020, Article number 100545

Davies, P.D., Davies, H.M., Watkins, I., Britton, D.A. The joining of gamma titanium aluminides via the powder interlayer bonding method. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Volume 109, Issue 7-8, 1 August 2020, Pages 2049-2054

Liu, X., Ouyang, M., Orzech, M.W. et al In-situ fabrication of carbon-metal fabrics as freestanding electrodes for high-performance flexible energy storage devices. Energy Storage Materials Volume 30, September 2020, Pages 329-336

Burkitt, D., Patidar, R., Greenwood, P., Hooper, K., McGettrick, J., Dimitrov, S., Colombo, M., Stoichkov, V., Richards, D., Beynon, D., Davies, M., Watson, T. Roll-to-roll slot-die coated P-I-N perovskite solar cells using acetonitrile based single step perovskite solvent system. Sustainable Energy and Fuels. Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2020, Pages 3340-3351

Daniel J.C.Stewart and Andrew R.Barron Pyrometallurgical removal of zinc from basic oxygen steelmaking dust – A review of best available technology. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 157, June 2020, 104746

Yates, H.M., Hodgkinson, J.L., Meroni, S.M.P., Richards, D., Watson, T.M Flame Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition of NiO hole transport layers for planar perovskite cells. Surface and Coatings Technology. Volume 385, 15 March 2020, Article number 125423

Claypole, A., Claypole, J., Holder, A., Claypole, T.C., Kilduff, L. Rheology of high-aspect-ratio nanocarbons dispersed in a low-viscosity fluid. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research. Volume 17, Issue 4, 1 July 2020, Pages 1003-1012

Research EngineerAuthorsTitleConferenceLink
Ben JonesBen Jones, Huma Ashraf, Jacob Mitchell, Owen James Guy and Alex CrootSiC Plasma Dicing for Future High Yield Die Singulation ICSCRM 2024, Raleigh, USA
Gwynfor CallaghanGwynfor Callaghan,a
 Sonny Ngo,b Geraint Willams
Evaluation of the corrosion protection of organic-coated zinc-alloy galvanised
steels using novel, environmentally-friendly corrosion inhibitor pigments
ACPOC 2024 Tokyo
Hannah ClarkeH. ClarkeThe Development of Formable Steel Grades through Alternative Steelmaking TechnologiesCOM 2024, Halifax, Canada
Ed PalmerEdward Palmer; Daniel Butcher; Shahin Mehraban; Matthew Ritchie; Talal Abdullah;
Leonor Neto; Gavin Stratford; Nicholas Lavery
Use of Cored Wire in the Optimisation of New Alloys for Laser Powder
Bed Fusion with Tailored Mechanical and Corrosion Properties
Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Texas, USA
Georgeta VulpeGeorgeta Vulpe, Guoyi Liu, Sam Oakley, Guanghao Yang, Arjun Ajith Mohan, Mark
Waldron, Sanjiv Sharma
Glucose and Lactate Monitoring Using Polyphenol Subdermal Wearable PatchesIEEE Biosensors 20224, Cambridge, UK
Sinem BektasS. Bektas M4Colloids 2024M4 Colloids Symposium
Megan KendallM. KendallHigh temperature normalisation: the impact of scale growth on surface cosmetics and performance of carbon steel conveyance tubes8th International Conference on Material Modelling, London, UKICMM8 | ICMM8 | Loughborough University
Ehsan AkbariE. Akbari SUSTAIN 2024
Reagan LockeR.Locke SUSTAIN 2024
Patrick MaynerP. Mayne SUSTAIN 2024
Liam HaglingtonLiam Haglington, Dr Geertje Van Keulen, Dr Rowan Brown, Dr Thierry Maffeis, Dr Rowena Jenkins, Dr Patrick Dodds Novel Antimicrobial Metallic Surfaces for Infection ControlEarly Career Summer Conference of the Microbiology Society , Glasgow, UK
Megan KendallM. KendallA computational approach to proactive control of oxide on steel pipelinesCynhadledd Ymchwil Y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, Aberystwyth
Nathan ReynoldsNathan Reynolds, Serena MargadonnaZero-Excess Sodium-Organic Battery Through in-situ Metal PlatinISE 37th Topical Meeting, Stresa, Italy,9%20to%2012%20June%202024.
Liam HagglingtonL Haglington Novel Antimicrobial Metallic Surfaces for Infection ControlSURFEX 2024
Jakub KrampJ. KrampThe Development of Sustainable Paint for Coil Coated SteelSURFEX 2024
Cati SteedC. Steed ATIP Technical Review, London, UK 
Samual RossS. RossDesign of High Entropy Alloys for Aerospace BrazingAWS International Brazing and Soldering Conference (BSC 2024), Charleston, USA 
Freya HamblinF Hamblin, C Pleydell-Pearce, R Curry, M Danfield Steps towards sustainability &
decarbonisation: The impact of
high recycled content on high
formability products
7th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy, Feb 27th, 2024, London, Uk
Courteney PeartC PeartWeathering around the world:
Discovering new market opportunities
forsustainable organic coatings
7th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy, Feb 27th, 2024, London, Uk
Hannah ClarkeH Clarke, C Pleydell-Pearce, R Curry, M Danfield Development of formable steel
gradesthrough alternativ
7th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy, Feb 27th, 2024, London, Uk
Giovanni Alparone G Alparone, D Penney, J Sullivan, C Mills, J EdyOptimisation of next generation
galvanising pot hardwar
7th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy, Feb 27th, 2024, London, Uk
Molly WorthM Worth, D Beynon, D Sirbu, T Watson Simultaneous Surface Enhancement of n and p Type Transport Layers for Back Contacted Perovskite ModulesIPEROP 24, Tokyo
Daniel BrittonD Britton, D Penney, A Malla, S Mehraban, J Sullivan, M Goldsworthy, C ChallinorThe effect of antimony additions on the microstructure and performance of automotive Zn-Mg-Al steel coatings Galvatech 2023, Seol 
Ben Jones  ICSCRM 2023, Sorrento
Finn Monaghan   ICSCRM 2023, Sorrento
Danielle GoodwinD Goodwin, Y Wu, M Carla, O GuyA room temperature graphene-based electronic gas seosor for the sensitive detection of nitrogen dioxideGraphene Week 2023, Gothemberg,%2C%204%2D8%20September%202023.
Gareth Jones  Eurocorr 2023, Brussels
Geraint Howells Rapid printing of 3D printed SnSe thermoelectric generators utilising an inorganic binderMaterials Today 2023. 1 Expo Drive, Singapore. 486150. 26 July – 7 August 2023 
Samuel Ross Design of Novel High Entropy Brazing alloysAdvanced Metallic Systems CDT, PGR CONFERENCE 2023 at The Edge, Endcliffe Village, University of Sheffield. 
Anna CattonA Catton, C. Tizaoui, M GeradoTreatment of Fluoranthene in Wastewater by Ozonation26th World Congress with the International Ozone Association. Milan, Italy. 2-6 July 2023. 
Danielle Goodwin Graphene Based Electronic Sensors for Gas and Volatile Organic Compound DetectionGraphene 2023, Manchester
Ffyon Moody Barrier Technologies for Food PackagingIOP PGS Printing for the Future 2023, London
Daniel Britton . The effect of antimony additions on the microstructure and performance of automotive
Zn-Al-Mg steel coatings
6th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy, Feb 28th, 2023, London, Uk 
Sam Reis The road to net zero, the testing of a new hybrid fuel forsintering6th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy, Feb 28th, 2023, London, Uk 
Lauren O’Donnel McClean Oxidation of a dual phase steel during rapid alloy prototyping6th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy, Feb 28th, 2023, London, Uk 
Daniel Murphy Novel galvanic coatings for ground support equipment6th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy, Feb 28th, 2023, London, Uk 
Matthew Brooks Improving serviceability of zinc
aluminium magnesium coatings
6th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy, Feb 28th, 2023, London, Uk 
Giovani Alparone Testing ceramicsin liquid zinc for
upgrading galvanising bath
journal bearings
6th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy, Feb 28th, 2023, London, Uk 
Sullayman Butt Use of sinter pot pilot facility to
optimise sinter plant
6th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy, Feb 28th, 2023, London, Uk 
Tristan Hearsey-McKay Multiscale deformation
modelling ofsmallscale
mechanical tests
6th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy, Feb 28th, 2023, London, Uk 
Hannah Clarke Development of formable steel
gradesthrough alternative
steelmaking technologies
6th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy, Feb 28th, 2023, London, Uk 
Talal Abdullah Development of improved
formability interstitial free steels
6th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy, Feb 28th, 2023, London, Uk 
Liam Moody Improving the formability of
automotive steel grades via hot
rolling and run out table simulations
6th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy, Feb 28th, 2023, London, Uk 
Jakub Kramp The development ofsustainable
paint for coil coated steel
6th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy, Feb 28th, 2023, London, Uk 
Jakub Kramp  RSC Surface Coatings Conference – Sustainable Coatings. University of York 
Evan Watkins  RSC Surface Coatings Conference – Sustainable Coatings. University of York 

Researchers from SPECIFIC and COATED M2A programme at Swansea University have collaborated with the University of Bath to make a groundbreaking advancement in thermal storage research, developing a new efficient material that is easily scalable and can be sized and shaped to fit multiple applications.


Rhodri Rees has completed his EngD researching advanced manufacturing techniques for medical applications. He originally joined Tata Steel on an apprenticeship before entering back into higher education studying for his bachelor’s and masters in mechanical engineering before taking on an EngD. He has enjoyed the range of opportunities offered including work with Calon Cardio and social aspects of being part of the cohort. He is now keen to continue sharing his technical abilities through teaching the future engineers.


Mathew’s collaborative research between Swansea University and Tata Steel Colors has been based on the addition of alloying elements into widely utilised zinc-aluminium metallic coatings. The incorporation of magnesium into galvanising alloys has been steadily increasing across the sector, owing to its increased relative corrosion performance in given environments. His research has gone on to demonstrate where this newer coating could be used in the company’s product portfolio.


Working alongside Tata Steel, Rebecca’s research has focused on assessing the effects of chemical composition, temperature and time on oxide scale formation in an Ultra-Advanced High Strength Steel and a High Strength Steel. The ultimate goal of Rebecca’s research is to control oxidation rates and oxide scale morphology. This will allow Tata to adjust their manufacturing processes in order to reduce the material loss and improve the surface quality of the steels.


Tim’s research has been around development of methods that allow in-situ performance monitoring of organically coated steel products used in the construction sector. Currently, performance is often only estimated from laboratory-based accelerated testing, whereas live monitoring via sensors could allow far more accurate lifetime and maintenance data, facilitating early failure detection. If these technologies prove effective, then they will offer great insights into not only the viability of warranty accompanying the products, but into appropriate coatings selection based on environment and location.


David joined Swansea University in 2010 to study for a foundation degree in General Engineering and went on to successfully complete a degree in Chemical Engineering with first class honours, in 2015. Now studying for an Engineering Doctorate, researching “Application of Perovskite Solar Cells onto flexible steel substrate”, Dave shares his motivations and experiences of further study.


Organically coated (painted) steel is exposed to many conditions in service from the varied inclement weather conditions around the world, UV exposure and pollution. With some coated steel products now coming with a 40 year warranty it is vital to understand how these products will perform. Catherine discusses the challenges of applying our advanced testing techniques to understand the performance of these coatings after accelerated and real life exposure tests.


Organically coated (painted) steel is exposed to many conditions in service from the varied inclement weather conditions around the world, UV exposure and pollution. With some coated steel products now coming with a 40 year warranty it is vital to understand how these products will perform. Catherine discusses the challenges of applying our advanced testing techniques to understand the performance of these coatings after accelerated and real life exposure tests.


Despite having a 2:1 degree in chemistry Phil had failed to capitalise on his academic prowess. Phil tells us how his EngD has impacted his life and provides an insight into his new role with Akzo Nobel developing sustainable corrosion resistant coatings.


Billions of litres of water are used each year in industrial processes in applications ranging from heating and cooling through to applying lubrication. After the water has served its purpose it must be treated before being discharged back into the water system. Ed has been working on the problem of water treatment and applying novel green solutions for water treatment and tells us about the impact of his research.


Carlos was fortunate enough to see an advert for the M2A scheme whilst in his home town in Spain. Realising the opportunity on offer, Carlos immediately applied to study for an MSc with the M2A and Tata Steel. After excelling in his masters Carlos has now gained employment within Tata Steel, choosing to remain in South Wales to build his career.


Dr Ben Evans from Swansea University explains how Computational Fluid Dynamics has helped the designers to shape Bloodhound SSC.

The presence of noise in any industrial environment is indicative of a transfer of energy that can be detrimental to equipment and personnel. Matthew has used his wide range of engineering skills, gained on the EngD, to successfully predict the levels of noise generated by orifice restriction plates. This was achieved through a combination of experimentation and the production of multi-physics computational models. His work has significantly improved the profile of his sponsoring company, as world leading experts in restriction plate noise. They now have an in-depth understanding of noise generation, which can be applied at the early stages of the design process.

Materials and Manufacturing Academy (M2A) provides industry led postgraduate research training based at Swansea University's new Bay Campus. M2A is part funded by the European Social Fund through the Welsh Government.